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Signs that life is returning to normal…

  • Toby figured out a way to get down our spiral staircase (faster seems easier than slower).
  • Chewing more frequently on Timmy (his feline brother) even when Timmy tries to run away.
  • Chasing the laser dot (though, cautious on those corners).
  • Pulling on our walks, especially in the direction of *squirrels*

On a separate note, my parents came to visit Toby on Saturday (and see their daughter, son-in-law and granddaughters), we talked about how he’s getting around and how we’ve made some adjustments to accommodate his tripod status (e.g., runners on our hardwood floor). On Sunday, my dad called to say that he is building Toby a ramp so he can more easily get onto our high bed. I guess this is what retired engineers do!

Posted by on October 11th, 2010 at 10:05 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (12)

12 Responses to “Signs that life is returning to normal…”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    sweet!!! i built a ramp to the backyard for gayle, not a feat of engineering, but it sure helps. so glad to hear toby is getting back to ‘normal’..but we just don’t know about the spiral staircase (i don’t even go on those!!)

    charon & gayle

    •   toby Says:

      I think chasing the cat was the big incentive to learn to get up and down the spiral staircase. Thanks for all your support!

  2.   nstephenson Says:

    That is so sweet that your Dad is building Toby a ramp! Now the question is: will there be any room left in the bedroom????

    Nancy and James the poodle

  3.   jerry Says:

    Toby, you’ve got a great family there, you lucky pup!

    Glad you’re doing well!

  4.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) Says:

    Just catching up on Toby’s story. OMD he is so cute in his harness.

    Sounds like he’s doing really well. Squirrels and walks and chewing on cats.

    And that’s one impressive ramp!

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