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e-collars suck

2 month ampuversary!

I guess no news is good news! Toby has made an incredible recovery. He’s racing up and down our narrow spiral staircase (we’ll definitely try to catch some video), chasing Timmy and snuggling under the covers in the morning. Things are back to normal. Even his fur is growing back and it feels like his surgery was eons ago.

Then we came home today to find that one of his toe nails broke nearly completely off. He was crated and we didn’t see blood, but it’s clearly uncomfortable for him. The vet can’t see him until tomorrow afternoon, but they seemed pretty calm (which goes a long way to stop the mentally vomitting in my head when I see body parts that clearly are askew).

Anyway, imagine our distress in seeing an injury on Toby’s one front leg! Maybe this will slow down some of the squirrel drive?

Wish us luck at the vet!

Posted by on November 22nd, 2010 at 9:08 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (5)

5 Responses to “2 month ampuversary!”

  1.   jerry Says:

    Poor Toby! Howdja do that?

    Hope you feel better!

  2.   jerry Says:


  3.   admin Says:

    Thanks for the update. Let us know how it goes at the vet.

    Did someone say SQUIRELL!?!?! 🙂

  4.   Lyndon's mama Says:

    Poor baby. My aunt’s dog had that happen and after it heals a bit its like it never happened. I bet that was terrible though, you can only have so many unusable legs. Get better Toby.

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